Packing Heat on a Plane (Okay, they’re really just snacks.)

I’m leaving for the wonderful state of New Jersey in less than 24 hours. I am headed up to visit some family and friends and then be reunited with all my childhood (and teenage/adult-hood) memories at Pine Bush Bible Camp as a camp counselor. Yes, people entrust their sweet children to me for a week. Trust me, everything will be fine. 😉

Camp Life
Camp people understand this type of behavior is not only acceptable, but expected.

All of this got me thinking about traveling and sticking to the Paleo lifestyle. I am trying to be as prepared as possible to stick to it while traveling. There is only so much I can do once arriving at camp, but while boarding planes and road tripping, I’m arming myself with paleo-approved snackage. (Whoa, I just sounded like my father. He loves to add “age” to words for a reason unknown to me. Boilage. Beepage. Snackage. Love that man.)

The trick is to keep things simple, portable, and carry little-to-no liquids, which seem to upset airport security. Let’s get to it:

1. Raw, Mixed Nuts & Seeds: For me, cashews are currently a big hit with my taste buds, but any mix or nuts & seeds will do. Nuts and seeds are a great source of healthy fats and will keep your tummy satisfied when paired with a protein source. Try not to overdo it, as it is easy to do when reaching your hand in a large bag of mix. I like to separate mine into single-servings pouches so I’m aware of how much I am eating.This is nuts.

2. Bars: Another perfectly portable snack. My favorite is the Coconut Cream Pie Larabar (shocker), but I like to bring a variety of bars for whatever mood I’m in. Sometimes I’m feeling all Colonial American-like and Apple Pie strikes my fancy. Just make sure whatever bars you bring along have real food in them and none of those crazy artificial & chemical ingredients that you can’t pronounce.Check out those bars

3. Canned Meats: Portable protein for the win! Canned tuna (or salmon or chicken) is a great addition to bring along with you. Some people love to eat it straight from the can, or you can add it to a garden salad you’ve purchased in the terminal. Either way, eating a quality source of protein (check the cans for organic and/or wild caught) will keep you satiated and loving that you didn’t go for that sugary donut instead.Canned Meats

4. Coconut Water: Dehydration can become a bit of a problem due to the low humidity on airplanes. You many not even be aware it’s affecting you, but sometimes air travel can cause dry-skin, itchy eyes, and lethargy. Plain coconut water contains a natural source of electrolytes and is high in potassium, which will aid to ward off dehydration. Try and drink some before or after your flight. Also, drink some good ‘ole H2O while on the plane. Staying hydrated while traveling will keep you feeling energized and refreshed.This water is coconuts

It may be tricky, but it is 100% doable to stick to healthy choices if you come prepared. I hope these are a few things you bring along on your travels so you will feel nourished and energized! Travel well.