Larabar’s [Re]Nola Review

A few weeks ago I received a BOGO coupon for Larabar’s new product: [Re]Nola. I was actually really saddened because I was right in the beginning of my Whole30 and granola sounded like a perfect treat, but as you may have heard, all those gluten & grain items are a no-go 😦 Just as I was about to giveaway my coupons, I checked out the product online: Almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, raisins, etc.

I realized ALL the ingredients are Paleo. Can you hear the angels singing?! Paleo granola at TARGET! Larabar comes through again… Unless you’re a “paleo-purist” who doesn’t eat tapioca syrup, then this is not for you. #sorrynotsorry


Currently, [Re]Nola (which means “reinventing granola) comes in three varieties: Cinnamon NutBerry, and Cocoa Coconut. There are also two different sizes: these handy little 1.28oz single serve bags (above) and larger 9oz bags for sharing (below).

Renola bags

At my local Target the larger pouches were not available just yet, but I was told they are on their way. The single serving pouches, however, were jumping off the shelves (they were also on sale for $1.52). People were crowding the free sample table like crazy (obviously I was one of them) and grabbing the pouches off the stand– leaving nothing but 4 Cinnamon Nut and 3 Berry pouches. AND ONE COCOA COCONUT.

And guess who got it? Yep, THIS GIRL.

ReNola Cocoa Coconut

[Re]view Time! (See what I did there? Corny, yes. Moving on…)


-Flavors: All of them. They eat held their own distinct flavor profiles well and were well-balanced. There wasn’t one particular flavor that overpower any of the others. Well done, [Re]Nola. My personal favorite: Cocoa Coconut, followed by Berry, then Cinnamon Nut.

-Versatility: While standing around the sample table, a lot of the other customers and I were chatting about what we could use [Re]Nola for (besides just shoveling it straight to our mouths). Parfaits! Salad topping! On top of an Apple Crisp! We could probably have come up with a lot more if we stood there long enough. One of my favorite bloggers, Tina, over at Carrots ‘n’ Cake came up with a few paleo-friendly treats of her own in this post! Check it out!

-Paleo-friendly: The ingredients are all-natural and free of any grains or gluten, but it still tastes and has the texture of regular granola. You won’t even miss the oats, I promise! It is a treat for everyone!

ReNola Berry


-Packaging: I am actually on the fence about this. On one hand, I really enjoy the single serve packaging. My issue with it is that most of the packages seemed to have contents that were smushed and not in tact. Although, this could be due to everyone picking up and checking out the product at the sample table and totally unrelated to how it’s packaged. We’ll see.


-Price: I was well prepared for this day. I had two BOGO coupons, and another $1-off any 3 coupon. With the sale at Target too, my total came out to $1.50 for all four single serve packages. Now stop making fun of coupon people. Without the coupons and sale, these same four packages would have cost $7.16 + tax. That price is a good argument to go ahead and buy the bigger bag, I believe. Or scan the internet for coupons!

Personally, I think this stuff is fantastic. I really enjoyed sampling all the flavors and was eager to bring some home to add to recipes. If you are interested in trying a new snack, I would go for it! If you have more questions about [Re]Nola, you can find answers here on the Larabar [Re]Nola FAQ page.

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